Moorlands Nursing Home

At this inspection we confirmed that the provider had not completed the actions needed. There were not always enough staff to safely meet people’s needs. This meant that sometimes people did not receive personal care in a timely way. People did not always have their medicine on time and some had to sit in a wheelchair all day as there were not enough staff to transfer them into armchairs. People were supported by staff who had the skills and experience they needed to provide effective care. Staff attended all elements of core training during their induction and refresher training at regular intervals.

moorlands care home lightwater

We spoke with 11 people who used the service, six relatives and 11 members of staff including two acting managers and the provider's representative. Some people felt their health care needs were being met but others did not. Health care professionals said that some staff did not have the support and skills to deal with some people’s complex conditions. Whilst we were at the inspection we were made aware of practice that suggested that restraint was being used inappropriately on a person whose behaviour could be challenging for staff. This has been reported to the local authority as a safeguarding alert.

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Our team includes nurses and carers experienced in all types of care. We consistently apply infection control procedures and services that meet or exceed the requirements and expectations of our customers. If this is your business, you can claim it and manage the information shown to care seekers. Set up an account and claim your listing, to update your company name, address, telephone number and service information. If you have forgotten your password use the 'Forgotten your password? 1 home care agency in Lightwater provides trained care professionals who deliver care in your own home.

Our wide range of care services means that we can care for your loved one, both now and in the future. At Moorlands Nursing Home in Lightwater, Surrey, we provide residential care, nursing care and dementia care and have all the amenities of a modern care home. You'll find first-class facilities with exciting activities, and plenty of places to relax or entertain whether on a permanent or respite basis. The last inspection of this home took place on 3 September 2013. During that inspection we found that the provider was in breach of the regulations that related to people’s care and welfare, meeting people’s nutritional needs and staffing levels. The provider sent us an action plan stating what steps they would take to address the issues identified.

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People's comments included; "The girls are lovely, there just aren't enough of them". "I can wait for up to 30 minutes to get help going to the toilet". "The staff are rushed and they don't always get time to help us".

There were gaps in the medicine records where a nurse should have signed to say that people’s medicines had been given. There was not always guidance for staff on when to give people their PRN medicines. All of the medicine was administered and disposed of in a safe way. People were being weighed regularly and where had a concern had been identified advice was being sought from health care professionals. Staff were recording the advice from the health care professionals and providing the most appropriate care to people. Systems to assess the quality of the service were still not effective.


People’s rooms were dusty and areas around the home were not clean including hallways and the sluice rooms. The service was not visibly clean or free from dust and dirt to be acceptable to people living at the service their visitors and staff. There was a strong smell of urine coming from some people’s rooms even after personal care had been given. Cleaning schedules showed that rooms were not always cleaned by staff. Our welcoming home provides quality 24-hour residential, nursing and dementia care, as well as respite, convalescent and end of life care, for up to 88 older residents.

moorlands care home lightwater

Located on the edge of the vibrant village of Lightwater in Surrey, Moorlands provides residential and nursing care for up to 40 elderly people in a bright and homely environment. The home’s semi-rural location offers a tranquil setting within easy reach of the village’s many amenities. Yes, Moorlands Nursing Home provides care designed to meet the challenges faced by people living with dementia. People who needed external professional support, such speech and language therapists , were referred in a timely way.

Camberley, Surrey

One person needed to be weighed weekly and this was not happening. They had lost weight and there was no information on the care plan about how this was being managed. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report. Respite stays can be tailored to each person’s individual care needs which can be from a few days or for as long as is needed. Every team member receives our unique ‘Living in my World’ dementia training which is accredited by City and Guilds.

There was a strong smell of urine in the service which was present throughout the day. Staff were unable to identify where this smell was coming from. Risk assessments for people were not up to date which meant that staff would not have the most up to date information for people. Click the title bar on any of the report introductions below to read the full entry.

Our Head Chef and the team have many years of cooking experience. Read our listing to view its CQC rating, customer reviews and detailed contact information. The new manager had ensured all of the home was well-maintained and clean. They had set up systems for regular audit of facilities and services. They had an action plan which showed the areas they had addressed and areas which they needed to address, with dates for completion of actions. Staff were caring and supported people in a kindly way, ensuring they offered them choice.

moorlands care home lightwater

However we saw that mental capacity assessments had not taken place in relation to people where there was doubt about whether they could give consent. This related to people who were unable to access the front door or those people who had ‘Do not resuscitate’ forms. Below are some of the most popular locations for nursing, residential, home and live-in care support, click to find out more about the support offered in these areas. Our specialist Care Advisers can talk you through your options and identify the best services locally to provide the support you require. The care of the nursing staff is excellent and very prompt when required....

Internal audits mentioned that supervisions should be undertaken with staff six times a year and we found that this was still not happening. An infection control audit had been carried out in May 2015 that did not identify the concerns with the cleanliness or the environment. The length of time people spend in a care home varies according to their needs and preferences. Our homes offer permanent care to suit your needs or perhaps a respite stay might be required during a period of convalescence after being in hospital.

moorlands care home lightwater

People’s likes, dislikes and religious needs had been recorded and care and support had been provided in accordance with people’s wishes. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, and the staff supporting them and from looking at records. Staff were not up to date with the service mandatory training and others had not had any training in some areas. This included first aid, fire training and infection control. This meant that staff would not have the most up to date guidance. Not at all staff had received a one to one supervision or appraisal with their manager.

If there is a PDF icon, click it to download the full report. Please give us a call to discuss how we can help support you or your loved one at our care home in Lightwater, we look forward to welcoming you to Moorlands Nursing Home soon. Support to get people feeling their best before returning home after time in hospital, an operation or a period of illness. If you wish to meet the Home Manager during your visit, you might want to consider booking in advance to help ensure they are available when you attend. You can book a viewing using the form above or by calling the home. Enjoy a relaxing and fulfilling lifestyle, safe in the knowledge that you'll always be cared for.

moorlands care home lightwater

Elmfield House Church Lane, Bisley, Woking, GU24 9ED ★★★☆ Elmfield House is a medium size care residence situated in Woking, with 18 beds. The residency houses adults over 65 with mental health conditions. Elmfield House also accepts individuals with dementia and physical disabilities.


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